Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Last night I wanted to be productive but I didn't feel so much like handsewing (though I did some of that later) so I worked on a couple straw hats.   I had started taking apart some straw blanks a few nights before So I worked on getting them to the state I wanted.

And after a little bit of work, I had made a cute little hat to go with my Floral Francaise!

The hat before trimming.   I'll have to get a picture of what it looked like before.
After trimming!  I used some of the trim I'd made for my seaside bustle gown, some silk ribbon and some trim that kind of looks like fly fringe.

And here's how it looks from the side.
 I'm really happy with how it turned out!

I also started the brim for my new Regency bonnet, which is not exactly how I wanted it, but I think it comes pretty close.   I'm going for something similar to Marianne's bonnet from Sense & Sensibility.

And here are the fabrics I'm using for my Regency ensemble, which I'm writing a post about now (still trying to figure out exactly what I'm going to do).  The stripe fabric will be the hat.  The white with blue swiss dots is the fabric of my drop-front dress.

And for fun, cause I'm proud of it, here's a picture of my tiny hand stitches on the bodice of my francaise!


  1. Cute hat! Can't wait to see the regency one too.

    My stitches are so sloppy - yours are very nice!

  2. Those stitches are amazing! Holy patience! I love hats, but feel awkward wearing them. Yours are fab!



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